
Medicine Stockist :Manage Stock Sale Expiry 11.6.0

Ashar Infotech

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Medicine Stockist is a powerful app designed to help you efficiently manage your pharmacy business. Whether you run a wholesale or retail pharmacy, this app is perfect for you.

With Medicine Stockist, you can easily keep track of your medicine stock and sales. The app offers two types of sale management: sales and inventory management.

For sales, simply enter the name of the medicine, batch number, or medicine code. The app will automatically maintain your stock and generate a detailed sales report based on your specified date filter. You can even generate sales reports for a specific period of time.

Inventory management is also a breeze with Medicine Stockist. Just enter the medicine name or batch number, and the app will keep track of your stock. It will notify you in advance when your stock is running low, either through an expiry alert or a notification.

One of the standout features of this app is the ability to view the expiry date of each medicine in the sales report. This allows you to proactively order new stock from your local pharmacy to avoid any medicine expiry. You can even export your sales report to PDF format and easily share it with your distributor, retailer, or wholesale provider.

Medicine Stockist is an Android application that can be installed on any Android device. Its user-friendly interface and intuitive features make it a must-have tool for any pharmacy business.

Medical Lifestyle Android

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